T.T.T. Benefits
In the Future, users will be capable of staking T.T.T. purchased or received as rewards into smart contracts locked liquidity pools.
The longer they stake, the bigger the reward.
Staking is necessary to build trust and a bigger liquidity pool.
Staking can be performed in desired sets of time periods.
Farming refers to the reward pool while staking is done.
At the end of the staking period, users can reap the rewards.
These rewards can be in the form of points or T.T.T. tokens.
These rewards can be Staked again, performing the farming cycle.
The greater the Staking period, the bigger the rewards.
T.T.T. is primarily a community utility token.
T.T.T. can be used to perform swapping on TRC20 Compatible exchanges like Sunswap after the public launch is completed and listing is announced.
They can be paired with other cryptocurrencies to perform multi-token pools providing liquidity.
T.T.T. can be used to perform transactions related to products and services developed by S.U.N.
T.T.T. will be used to buy or subscribe to the content on the S.U.N. platform.
Last updated