NFT Marketplace
Our NFT Marketplace will be completely unique as contributors will be able to create NFTs and sell them and even be able to rent them out to receive passive rewards depending on the category of the NFT.
In the Games developed by S.U.N. members will be able to purchase virtual NFT Game Items, for example, Playing Boards, Dice, Avatars, Avatar Clothing & Accessories, and many more.
S.U.N. Members will also be able to merge certain NFTs to create Upgraded Items and the NFTs used to merge will be burned which will make them more unique and more valuable.
The S.U.N. NFT Marketplace will have a very unique Commission structure on the sale of the NFT that will work according to the signature S.U.N. Commission Plan.
There will be 3 owners of every NFT created. Every time the NFT gets resold there will be a commission distributed to the 3 owners.1st The Creator of the NFT Marketplace S.U.N. – 5% NFT Sale Commission
2nd The Publisher of the NFT – 10% NFT Sale Commission
3rd The 1st Buyer of the NFT- 5% NFT Sale Commission
The Balance of 80% will be divided into the signature 60% / 40% Commission Plan of S.U.N
Our NFT Marketplace will work on TRON Chain.
In the future, once the S.U.N. Metaverse is created, we will be implementing all the NFTs in the Marketplace for the users into a full Virtual Reality (VR) & Artificial Reality (AR) experience
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