The information in this document is provided to you in general terms, without taking notice of your specific, personal and financial situation. Under no circumstances should this document be considered as any type of solicitation, investment, legal or financial advice.
This document is based on our research and case studies gathered from years of experience, different blogs, media & various other literature. The participation and decision to ideate any information presented in this document will be done at the sole discretion of the involved parties.
In this document, you will be introduced to various products and services of the Smart United Network (S.U.N.) Ecosystem. These products and services will include but are not limited to Tech Education, Cryptocurrency Airdrops & Listings on our future DEX, NFT Metaverse Games, Business Advertising & Sustainable Development Projects.
Access to certain products and services may be subject to KYC and separate qualification processes and may not be available in all countries. Each membership in the Products and Services provided by S.U.N. carries a specific benefit and specific time frame and will expire as specified. Access to these products & services can be extended by repurchasing expired membership.
Like any project, there is a risk of loss of funds and rewards. The world of cryptocurrencies is highly volatile, can involve the risk of loss, and may not be suitable for all people. Risks include but are not limited to: market and trading risks, system and transaction processing risks, cybersecurity, regulatory risks, business failure, mistakes made by yourself, and others. Opinions, market data, and recommendations are subject to change without notice. We have developed a long-term community platform where each user can receive rewards for participating in the products and services provided.
Each member is responsible for their own decisions based on due diligence.
We recommend that if you are unsure in any way, you seek the advice of a suitably qualified professional.
The Smart United Network Ecosystem is not an Investment Platform. We do not guarantee any Return On Investment (ROI) made from participation in any of the products and services provided by S.U.N. & its products and services current and future.
Your continued participation in reading this document beyond this point indicates your acceptance of the above terms.
Last updated